This article will help you to understand the APIs available to for Customer
You will learn,
- How to create a customer
- How to get all customers
- How to get specific customer by customer id
- How to activate and deactivate customers
Entity Relationship for Customer Order
Figure 1 : ER Diagram for Customer. This will only indicate reationships between other entties.
All Api Endpoints for Customer
Endpoint | Type | Description |
api/biz/customers | POST | Create Cutomer |
api/biz/customers | GET | Get Customers |
api/biz/customers/{id} | GET | Get Customer By Id |
api/biz/customers/{id} | DELETE | Delete Customer By Id |
api/biz/customers/{id} | PUT | Update Customer By Id |
api/biz/customers/{id}?action=next | GET | Get next customer |
api/biz/customers/{id}?action=previous | GET | Get previous customer |
api/biz/customers?action=activate | PUT | Activate Customer |
api/biz/customers?action=deactivate | PUT | Deactivate Customer |
api/biz/customers?action=block | PUT | Block Customer |
api/biz/customers?action=bulk-save | PUT | Bulk Save Customers |
api/biz/customers?action=validate-customer-KID-Alias&customerKidAlias={kid} | GET | Validate Customer KID |
Customer Status Types
Status | Status Code |
Active | 30001 |
InActive | 50001 |
Deleted | 90001 |
How to Create a New Customer
To create a new customer you need to include only basic infomation about the customer in the payload. i.e. OrgNumber
or Info.Name
But it is always recommanded to include additional infomation to the customer so it will be easy to interact with other API depend on Customer. ex. Invoice API, Order API ect.
Endpoint : api/biz/customers
Method Type : POST
Sample Request Payload : Appendix A - Sample Request for Create Customer
How to Add Contact Details to Customer
You can include following contact details with customer payload
- Address - Set values for
array orInfo.InvoiceAddress
object orInfo.ShippingAddress
If you including address for invoice or shipping don't repeat same address in Info.Addresses
- PhoneNumber - Set values for
array orInfo.DefaultPhone
objectYou need to set aType
for the phone number.
Don't repeat the default phone number in Info.Phones
Description | Type |
Phone | 150101 |
Mobile | 150102 |
Fax | 150103 |
- Emails - Set Values for
array orInfo.DefaultEmail
Don't repeat the default email in Info.Emails
Set Default Report for Customer
You can set default report for Customer Invoice,Customer Order and Customer Quotes. This reports will be used to generate the Softcopies and Hardcopies of Invoices,Orders and Quotes.
Set DefaultCustomerInvoiceReportID
property for customer invoice report
Set DefaultCustomerOrderReportID
property for customer order report
Set DefaultCustomerQuoteReportID
property for customer quote report
How Get Report Details
You can use following api to get report details by report type
Endpoint : api/report/type/{reportType}
Method : Get
Following values can be used for {reportType}
Description | Parameter Value |
ORDER | 2 |
QUOTE | 3 |
Get Customers
You can either use statistics API or customer API to get customer details. This article we'll look how to get customer data using custimer API. You can read statistics article to get more details about how to use statistics API.
Endpoint : api/biz/customers
Method Type : GET
All Unimicro APIs support OData (Open Data Protocol) configuration. You can use expand
, select
and filter
query operators to Filter, Select and Expand the customer details.
Below Request will skip first 20 records and return next 10 customers with contact details and filter it by Status Code 30001
.,Info.Phones,Info.DefaultPhone,Info.Addresses,Info.Emails,Info.DefaultEmail,Info.ShippingAddress,Info.InvoiceAddress,Dimensions,Info.DefaultBankAccount,Info.Contacts.Info,Info.Contacts.Info.DefaultEmail,Info.Contacts.Info.DefaultPhone&filter=StatusCode eq 30001&top=10&skip=20
Get Customer By Customer ID
In order to get a specific customer you can use below api by passing the customer ID as a parameter. By default this will return only basic information. Use OData expand
query operator to get more details.
Endpoint : api/biz/customers/{id}
Method Type : GET
Content-Type : application/json
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | int32 | Customer Id |
How to Activate, Deactivate and Block a Customer
By default when you create a customer, status code will be in Active
(30001) status. Using following API you can activate,deactivate and block customers. These API will only change the status code of the customer entity.
Endpoint : api/biz/customers?action={action}&id={id}
Method Type : PUT
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
action | string | Action Name |
id | int32 | Customer Id |
Possible Action Values
Action Name | Description |
activate | Change the customer status to Active |
deactivate | Change the customer status to InActive |
block | Change the customer status to Deleted |
Validation Response
API will return BadRequest
(400) response with an error message
"ID": 69,
"EntityID": 0,
"PropertyName": "",
"EntityType": "Customer",
"Message": "Customer have references to one or more quote, order, invoice, project or workitem and cannot be deleted!",
"Level": 30,
"EntityValidationRule": null,
"ComplexValidationRule": {
"EntityType": "Order",
"ValidationCode": 115001,
"Message": "Customer have references to one or more quote, order, invoice, project or workitem and cannot be deleted!",
"System": false,
"Operation": 30,
"Level": 30,
"SyncKey": null,
"ChangedByCompany": false,
"OnConflict": 0,
"ID": 69,
"Deleted": false,
"CreatedAt": null,
"UpdatedAt": null,
"CreatedBy": null,
"UpdatedBy": null
Internal Server Error Response
API will return InternalServerError
(500) response for unhandled exception.
Example scenario, Trying to create a customer with invalid DimensionsID
"Message": "MURA28RA: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint \"FK_Customer_DimensionsID_Dimensio..",
"StackTrace": "",
"Source": "",
"InnerException": null,
"ErrorReference": "MURA28RA"
Appendix A - Create Customer Sample Request
"CustomerNumber": 0,
"CustomerNumberKidAlias": null,
"BusinessRelationID": 0,
"OrgNumber": "914012708",
"IsPrivate": false,
"Info": {
"CustomValues": null,
"Deleted": false,
"DefaultBankAccountID": null,
"Name": "John Doe",
"ShippingAddressID": null,
"StatusCode": null,
"ID": 0,
"UpdatedBy": null,
"UpdatedAt": null,
"DefaultEmailID": null,
"CreatedBy": null,
"InvoiceAddressID": null,
"DefaultPhoneID": null,
"DefaultContactID": null,
"CreatedAt": null,
"DefaultContact": null,
"Contacts": [],
"Addresses": [],
"Phones": [],
"Emails": [],
"BankAccounts": [],
"InvoiceAddress": {
"ID": 0,
"_createguid": "6588024e-24aa-4ee9-8bf5-bc28778f2e91",
"_guid": "c5e1d7d9-89b8-4314-8023-eb89a8f577d7",
"AddressLine1": "Address Line 1",
"AddressLine2": "Address Line 2",
"AddressLine3": "Address Line",
"PostalCode": "12345",
"City": "12345",
"Country": "Norge",
"CountryCode": "NO",
"_isDirty": true
"ShippingAddress": {
"ID": 0,
"_createguid": "6588024e-24aa-4ee9-8bf5-bc28778f2e91",
"_guid": "c5e1d7d9-89b8-4314-8023-eb89a8f577d7",
"AddressLine1": "Address Line 1",
"AddressLine2": "Address Line 2",
"AddressLine3": "Address Line",
"PostalCode": "12345",
"City": "12345",
"Country": "Norge",
"CountryCode": "NO",
"_isDirty": true
"DefaultPhone": {
"ID": 0,
"_createguid": "32e9a147-2ce8-4479-8578-44a94a0e0ae8",
"_guid": "48fd0a66-bb3b-40a7-8db1-41b593b7e781",
"Type": 150101,
"Number": "9834834678",
"CountryCode": "97",
"Description": "Office",
"_isDirty": true
"DefaultEmail": {
"ID": 0,
"_createguid": "95586df2-ecff-43de-8c4e-7d72c5d834ce",
"_guid": "fdfd2177-e9dd-4cc9-84d9-215523d704b5",
"EmailAddress": "",
"Description": "SoftRig User",
"_isDirty": true
"DefaultBankAccount": null
"CreditDays": null,
"DefaultDistributionsID": null,
"Distributions": {
"CustomerInvoiceDistributionPlanID": null,
"CustomerInvoiceDistributionPlan": null,
"CustomerOrderDistributionPlanID": null,
"CustomerOrderDistributionPlan": null,
"CustomerQuoteDistributionPlanID": null,
"CustomerQuoteDistributionPlan": null,
"CustomerInvoiceReminderDistributionPlanID": null,
"CustomerInvoiceReminderDistributionPlan": null,
"PayCheckDistributionPlanID": null,
"PayCheckDistributionPlan": null,
"AnnualStatementDistributionPlanID": null,
"AnnualStatementDistributionPlan": null,
"StatusCode": null,
"CustomValues": null,
"ID": 0,
"Deleted": false,
"CreatedAt": null,
"UpdatedAt": null,
"CreatedBy": null,
"UpdatedBy": null
"PaymentTermsID": null,
"PaymentTerms": null,
"DeliveryTermsID": null,
"DeliveryTerms": null,
"WebUrl": null,
"DimensionsID": null,
"Dimensions": {
"CustomValues": null,
"Dimension6ID": null,
"Dimension7ID": null,
"Deleted": false,
"Dimension9ID": null,
"StatusCode": null,
"ResponsibleID": null,
"Dimension10ID": null,
"ProjectID": 1,
"DepartmentID": 2,
"ID": 0,
"UpdatedBy": null,
"UpdatedAt": null,
"Dimension5ID": null,
"CreatedBy": null,
"RegionID": null,
"Dimension8ID": null,
"CreatedAt": null,
"ProjectTaskID": null,
"Project": null,
"Department": null,
"ProjectTask": null,
"Responsible": null,
"Region": null,
"Dimension5": null,
"Dimension6": null,
"Dimension7": null,
"Dimension8": null,
"Dimension9": null,
"Dimension10": null,
"Info": null,
"_createguid": "40e9af2f-eb8b-4157-820a-e281b84ff149"
"GLN": null,
"PeppolAddress": null,
"EfakturaIdentifier": null,
"EInvoiceAgreementReference": null,
"CustomerInvoiceReminderSettingsID": null,
"CustomerInvoiceReminderSettings": null,
"DontSendReminders": false,
"CustomerQuotes": [],
"CustomerOrders": [],
"CustomerInvoices": [],
"CurrencyCodeID": null,
"CurrencyCode": null,
"AcceptableDelta4CustomerPaymentAccountID": null,
"AcceptableDelta4CustomerPaymentAccount": null,
"AcceptableDelta4CustomerPayment": 0,
"SubAccountNumberSeriesID": 6,
"SubAccountNumberSeries": null,
"DefaultSellerID": 6,
"DefaultSeller": {
"CustomValues": {},
"Deleted": false,
"Name": "Anders",
"StatusCode": null,
"DefaultDimensionsID": null,
"EmployeeID": 8,
"TeamID": null,
"ID": 6,
"UpdatedBy": "638254e7-eb4b-4367-99c6-bd8a00ce7f40",
"UpdatedAt": "2017-10-10T09:53:38.477Z",
"CreatedBy": "57a77470-75c4-40a1-b462-8f1797dabe35",
"UserID": 11,
"CreatedAt": "2017-09-26T12:01:22.79Z"
"Sellers": [],
"ReminderEmailAddress": "",
"Companies": [],
"Account": null,
"Localization": null,
"DefaultCustomerInvoiceReportID": 4,
"DefaultCustomerOrderReportID": 84,
"DefaultCustomerQuoteReportID": 5,
"FactoringNumber": null,
"AvtaleGiro": false,
"AvtaleGiroNotification": false,
"StatusCode": null,
"CustomValues": null,
"ID": 0,
"Deleted": false,
"CreatedAt": null,
"UpdatedAt": null,
"CreatedBy": null,
"UpdatedBy": null